Random thoughts of a few scientists living and working in Heidelberg, Germany

Friday, November 24, 2006

Random stats....

According to a recent study of the Nielsen Institute, an average American family today owns more television sets than… individuals. In statistical language, that gives 2.73 television sets for 2.55 people per household. Half of the American households have at least three television sets, and only 19% have one of them.

(Here's the French Original, thanks Ju)

According to a recent study of the Nielsen Institute, an average American family counts today more television sets than… individuals. In statistical language, that gives 2,73 television sets for 2,55 people per hearth. Half of the American households have at least three television sets, and only 19% have one of them.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Stuff + Cats = Awesome

Pipette Monkeys has gone without a kitten entry for too long!

Unfortunately science is sorely underrepresented on this site. Now I've got a bag of coloured eppies and a camera...just need to find me a cat...

(thanks to V for the link)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Haloween geekery...

Possibly the coolest Jack-O-Lantern I've seen....
(this will mean little to nothing if you've grown up in a country without Dr Who)


(from EMSL)