Random thoughts of a few scientists living and working in Heidelberg, Germany

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Edible origami…and pimp my papadums

Found this on the Evil Mad Scientist Laboratory (which incidentally is a great blog). It takes salad garnishes to a whole new level…
There’s also a quick little guide to making Pac Man papadums…
Edible origami
How to cook papadums
Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories

Monday, August 07, 2006

Kittens! Oh, so many kittens!

If only all wars were this easy!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


The ultimate in procrastination.

Nasa needs volunteers to spot dust particles collected from distant stars. The dust is stuck to a gel and in order to find the individual dust particles Nasa has used a scanning microscope to upload millions of pictures of the gel.
Bored people can then sign up to look for the grains of dust in the pictures and help Nasa's scientists. There's even a scoreboard for you competitive types and the best dust pickers will be co-authors on any publications involving the Stardust project.
