Strengthen your mind my apprentice….
Have just spent the last 10 minutes staring as my computer text at 400+ words a minute at me…. I found this cool little web site (via LifeHacker) which lets you paste text into it, then flashes it back one (or more) words at a time at high speed. In theory its supposed to help you read faster by stopping you looking back over a sentence and flashing words faster than your inner monologue can keep up (which is apparently what slows you down when you read (especially if its talking about something else while you’re reading). I can’t decide if it works yet, but I’m tempted to take a trip to stores tomorrow to see if they have devices to hold your eyelids open a la Clockwork Orange….
If anyone has a summer student and feels like trying to use this as an accelerated learning technique, please let me know if it works out….
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